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The Istituto di Istruzione Superiore “G. Ruffini” is a state school located in Imperia, (North West Italy). The school has 800 students and 90 teachers. Imperia has about 41000 inhabitants and is set in a tourist area overlooking the Ligurian Sea, surrounded by terraced hills, mainly cultivated with centuries old olive trees producing top quality extra-virgin olive oil with a delicate taste. A lot of our students live in small inland villages or in the mountain area. Their social context is often rural, economically and culturally disadvantaged, an environment where the European dimension risks to be felt as distant and estranged. Another motivation for this project is that we have got some problems of integration because of our foreign origined students (Albany, Turkey, North Africa, Romania, Central America, etc.)(85 students) In the last three years a section has students from Africa that are refugees and are hosted in a state community. As the country is in the middle of refugee crisis, the atribute of our students needs to be improved. To improve the relations of our students is another concern for us. The school has 55 disabled students. We also want to inspire our partners about our practices for them. Participants expect to overcome the limits of their actual lifestyle and horizons in terms of personal, cultural, social opportunities by meeting, getting in touch or communicating with people from other European countries Our school offers the possibility of getting a diploma for job qualification valid for the access to the profession of technicians and for further education studies at University . As the companies involve staff chosen from many nations, it is our duty to raise students with academic, vocational and soft skills. The project will be crucial in terms of gaining soft skills such as interpersonal relations, respecting different orients. It offers education to students from 14 to 19. Three foreign languages: French, English, German are learned by the students. Our school can inspire some good practices to our partners as we have mentally and physically disabled students. In every phase of the project are involved at least 2 teachers. The contact person, a counselor, who has taken part in 2 EU projects one of which she coordinated will be responsible for the contact with the other partners. She is responsible for implementing the project activities. The school has an Inclusion Depertment, The department works for the inclusion of refugees, immigrants and disabled students. There are 16 teachers that are part of the Inclusion Department. Contact person and an English teacher lead the department and will be in the project team. Another counselor in the school has academic studies, and he is experienced in preparing surveys and questionnaires. In case the contact person leaves, one of the history teachers who has coordinated the other previous EU project in the school will take over her role.


Seminarul Teologic Liceal "Ioan Iacob" Dorohoi

Sf. Ioan Iacob” high-school has an old historical background since its early beginnings. We are really interested in improving the quality of our educational programmes and this project is a great opportunity for all of us.. Our students will learn to cooperate and work with students from the other countries by practicing their English skills. The European dimension through the language education is one of the main aspects of the institution. The intercultural dialogue is the most important in such an area. There are almost 270 high school students, some of them are studying in order to become Orthodox priests and the others are studying English intensively. They come from various social backgrounds ,72% of them from rural areas around our town. There are inhabitants from different nations, including the Gypsies, in the city and at school. Their families have a low income, mostly because our region is a disadvantaged one, there is practically almost no industry in our town and most of the parents had to look job in other countries or bigger cities.The staff of our school is highly motivated to help the community we live in. Involving these students in such a project will make them feel needed, motivated and appreciated, so this is another reason for them to come to school and a chance to have a better life and, maybe, career. Our students are always happy to be involved in contests, no matter their areas, they have got lots of rewards. students Our students are studying, both branches, humanistic disciplines. Human values are very important for our school. It is necessary to have basic values and philosophies in place that will make our children responsible citizens in the future. Parents and teachers are now understanding the importance of teaching beyond the syllabus. They realise that values can be taught well at an early age and schools are the best place to impart knowledge about rights and wrongs, how one can lead a good life, things required to sustain in today’s competitive world and so on. Our school thinks that a strong educational process shouldn't focus only on knowledge and information.Principles, values and ethics must permeate all human actions and education can not be different.The attitude towards foreigners and people in general is a vital priority for us We especially focus on : civity, self-discipline, opened- mindedness, compassion for the others and , of course , tolerance of diversity. Our students are involved in lots of extra-curricular activities taht make them realize very well these values. We can say that all our staff is prepared to be involved in this project.Some of our teachers are orthodox priests. English teacher will be the key person and contact person of the project. She is experienced in EU projects. She will organize her team to implement the activities. An IT, History and Phlosophy teacher will assist.In case contact person leaves, another English teacher also experienced in EU projects will take over.

SOŠE Trnava


A secondary modern school of energetics in Trnava was instituted by Slovak supply undertaking Bratislava, September the 1st 1982. The job of the school is to prepare youth to perform skilled professions, for all offices and organisations. Our school-time is komplex and is divided into a theroretical part and a practical one. Our school is available to use a moderm building, workrooms, board and logging, sportshall, sportplaces and fitness-center. Fields of study : electrician mechanic, network mechanic, mechanic of machinery equipment, mechanic of gas equipment, electrician of distribution network, electrician of machinery, electrician of electronics, technical - clerical personnel, electrician and service of machines and equipment. Our school operate evening studium and retraining schemes too . 
School webpage...
Here is our short video presentation:


IES Balmaseda

IES Balmaseda is a state college in the village of Balmaseda ( We take care of general education from 12 to 18 years old, afterword the go university or master grad. We have two types of baccalaureates, scientific and humanistic. Our students at all are 540 hundred; teachers are 50 and eight worker.We have more than 40 years of experience in our work. We think is important for our students to be in contact with the European realities, to know other cultures and other people. It’s important to go out and see the world, and also to invite other thinking to learn with us. In the field of integration, we have a long experience, between our students are from a lot of cultures, languages, religions (Basques,Turks, Spanish, Arabs, South Americans, Romanians, and so on), and the challenge is all of them, at the finish of the process, to speak Basque, Spanish and English. When the project is finished, we would like our students to be proud of their work, to be happy with new friends, to be prepared to confront European futures problems. Roberto Serrano will be the key person in charge of running the project in the school.Although he hasn't got an experience in Erasmus + Strategic Partnerships, he has experiences in Students Exchange Program and has implemented 8 exchange programs financied by Baques government. He is the contact person of the Spanish team as well. As he is an immigrant-originated person too, he has a lot of experiences to add to the project. He is also working with NGO s working for Refugees. The IT teacher, one of the counselors in the school will also be in the project team. In case Roberto Serrona leaves another collegue of him who has kept accompany during Students Exchange Program will assist him. He is an experienced history teacher.


15 Temmuz Sehitler Anadolu Lisesi

Our school encourages students for univesity education. However,univesity is not the only concern of us. We provide them sportive, cultural, social activities. It has 2 halls, 3 labs, a library, a gym, 2 pitches, and 2 courts. It has 20 classes, 580 students-45 teachers. We have a dormitory for students from villages and other towns. We have students from different socio-economic status. We have got 65 immigrant originated students. In the school, we see some students get groups according to their origins. The city’s current situation with immigrants and refugees from Afghan,Iran,Iraq ,Syria etc affects our students’ reaction, as well. They complain that refugees can go universities without exam although they have to, or they are paid by the government. We'll inform our students about immigrants’ legal rights and status. Involving our students into school unity, improving the students' attitudes towards immigrants, and foreigners motivate us. We also aim an enhancement in the profession of teaching, that is enabling students to feel Emhaty for the others. We want our students to get ready for higher education with academic and soft skills. We want to provide opportunities where they will enlarge their horizons, practice English, have interest for new languages and cultures, learn to comment on events caring its universal dimensions, have intercultural skills via LTTs. We believe that the attitude to foreigners can only be changed by giving them a chance to spend time together. We also want to educate them as active citizens supporting the Union. The project will serve as a means of introducing the cultural richness of our country and Europe as well. Raising students with tolerance, and respect to foreigners is our motivation. In our previous project “ Sport is not only football” we have taken 95 points in the final evaluation. We have got the same energy and synergy to run new projects. The contact person(CP) in that project will take part in this project as CP. The philosophy teacher who has got a master’s degree in “ Human Relations” will be another key person for the project activities. They will be assisted by one counselor and history teacher. In case CP leaves, another English teacher will work for the project. He is also experienced in EU Projects and had taken part in a Comenius project. The IT teacher will be responsible for keeping data and preparing the necessary documents. The co-manager will assist him, and the IT teacher is to back up all the documents to his computer once a month. The IT teacher will add project link to school website, and update it at least each three months. The school gives importance to commemoration of special anniversaries like Human Rights and Democracy Week. Philosophy and history teachers take part in the events organized in this week.


Charity organistions

Red Cross