4th Vocational High School (Evening) of Heraklion serves consequently technique vocational education for the last thirty (30) years.
Our school is located in Jászberény, about 80 km-s from the Hungarian capital, Budapest. Here there are 2 types of secondary education: vocational and technical sections. We have got about 600 students, 45 teachers and trainers.
We are a three-year secondary school of general education for pupils aged 16-19 years old. Our main objective is to prepare pupils successfully to the external examination called ‘Matura’ which enables them to apply to schools of higher education and universities.
Gülsehir Anadolu Lisesi is a public, four-year co-educational school founded in 2009. The language of instruction is Turkish. The school employs 30 teachers and educates 455 students aged between 14-18.
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